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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Merry Christmas is a Wonderful Phrase

Growing up, my family was fortunate not to have to fight airport crowds and travel much over the holiday season. There are two reasons why I've decided flying at the holidays isn't so much fun: first, the crowds and second, the weather! Winter has finally arrived, and today I was driven from Valparaiso, IN to the Chicago O'Hare airport while the snow began to fall...then I waited two extra hours to fly into Madison, WI. Now you may be rationally wondering...who the heck flies INTO the blizzard/bad weather?!? Well, as it sometimes feels, a person like me who is a slave to her travel schedule does. So I found myself sitting around in O'Hare contemplating on the joys of traveling at the holidays. Since I took off from Springfield last weekend, I've been lucky enough to fly in and out of airports that are festively decorated with Christmas trees and where everyone's favorite Christmas songs are playing constantly. This makes holiday travel (when I'm still away from my family) a little more bearable. Not to mention, it makes me feel so blessed to live in a Christian nation where places like airports will recognize the birth of Christ and celebrate it publicly without resorting to the P.C. phrase of "Happy Holidays." We are so blessed to be able to worship Christ freely without fear of what others may think or do. So Merry Christmas to all of you...hope you're safe and warm at home with your loved ones...can't wait to be with mine! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Christmas music/decorations make me so happy at airports and hotels! I totally feel you on this one. And I love when someone says Merry Christmas to me, so much warmer.
