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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God is bigger than that!

I was reminded by a good friend the other day of just how BIG our God is! I started thinking about how easy it is to feel overwhelmed by the size of our problems. Even in the wake of a tragedy like the earthquake in Haiti, our to-do list, or worries about what we're fixing for dinner, or how we're going to pay our bills, etc seem like the GREATEST things in our lives. I'm writing this feeling completely overwhelmed. After a very successful Installation weekend at the University of Cincinnati, I need nothing more than a day of R & R. But bright and early Monday morning, we started continuous open recruitment, which means long days of information sessions and tabling on campus. Never a dull moment! It is against human nature to slow down, take a step back, and hand our problems over to a God who is SO much bigger than any of that.

God is a safe place to hide (our refuge & strength), ready to help when we need him.
We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom,
courageous in seastorm and earthquake,
Before the rush and roar of oceans,
the tremors that shift mountains.
Jacob-wrestling God fights for us,
God-of-Angel-Armies protects us.

(Psalm 46:1-3 The Message)

I want to be better about taking my eyes off of myself and putting them on an all-powerful, loving Heavenly Father. I want to cast my cares on the Lord and stand "fearless at the cliff-edge of doom." The God of Angel Armies is protecting me. He knows every hair on my head, and loves me anyways. I'm going to borrow some beautiful words from that same friend I mentioned at the beginning of this post, God is SO big, He "could destroy me in an instant but mercifully chooses not to -- and yet for some reason His strength and power never really hit me." Why is that? Why doesn't God speak so loudly or do something so obvious that we can't choose to ignore Him? That's one of the mysteries that makes our God so loving and gentle. He could shout but He whispers to us in the quiet of a dark room while silent tears roll down our overwhelmed cheeks. God is BIG, but He's also intimate. He loves us with a perfect love that comforts us in times of need and protects us always.

When I began this post, I had no idea where it would go. I was so overwhelmed and knew that I just needed to turn my eyes to heaven and to God's holy word. I'm not sure if this was cohesive, or came out making much sense. But I do feel an overwhelming sense of peace. When we let God overwhelm us, it is wonderful. Love and miss you all, xoxo ~C

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Trying to Be Like Jesus

Part of my personal journey this year is to be more like my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know that this will be a struggle and a journey for the rest of my life on this earth, but I've taken the opportunity of my travels to really focus in on how my actions and words mimic those of my perfect Lord. One of the unique privileges I get to experience in my daily work is seeing things in remarkable women that they can't always see in themselves. From my outside perspective, I can often see how wonderful women are at recruiting, or how talented they are, or how unique their chapter is, even when they may individually be buried in self-doubt or a lack of confidence.

God sees things in us that we can't see us in ourself. He has made us perfectly in His image, and even when we don't believe in ourselves, or when we doubt that we "have what it takes," we can turn to His word and see that He has a perfect plan for our lives and equipped us with everything we need to succeed. "The steps of a man are from the Lord, and He delights in our way." (Psalm 37:23)

I'd challenge and encourage you all in your daily lives or in your careers to see things in others that they might not see in themselves, and TELL THEM! You may be the only person who ever tells that neighbor that they are incredibly well-spoken, or a great friend, or a strong leader. GOD sees wonderful things in us, don't we want to be more like Him?

Love and miss you all...xoxo

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Mr. Moran Sky

"He determines the number of stars and calls them by name" (Psalm 147:4)

I'm back to traveling, and this evening, I was picked up at the Roanoke, VA airport, and we made the hour drive to Lexington in the dark. I could see the beautiful outline of rolling hills/mountains (so geography's not my strong point) as we wound through the Shenandoah Valley. Just when I thought that the hills were the highlight of the night, I looked up at the sky...and it took my breath away. In the secluded hills of Virginia, with no city lights to spoil the stars, I was laying eyes on a Mr. Moran sky.

Let me back up...from the time I attended sixth grade camp as a camper, to the three years I went as a counselor, I was sure that a star-filled sky was the most beautiful sight in the world (well...out of this world). You know, the kind of sky you only get in the country, or out at the lake, away from any buildings, street lights, or civilization. My last year at camp, a few months following Mr. Moran's death (my mentor and close friend), I felt sure that the starry sky each night was a gift from him because only my buddy knows how much I like them. So now...5 years later, I still get goosebumps every time I see the stars...or what I like to call a Mr. Moran Sky.

Love and Miss You All, xoxo