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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Trying to Be Like Jesus

Part of my personal journey this year is to be more like my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know that this will be a struggle and a journey for the rest of my life on this earth, but I've taken the opportunity of my travels to really focus in on how my actions and words mimic those of my perfect Lord. One of the unique privileges I get to experience in my daily work is seeing things in remarkable women that they can't always see in themselves. From my outside perspective, I can often see how wonderful women are at recruiting, or how talented they are, or how unique their chapter is, even when they may individually be buried in self-doubt or a lack of confidence.

God sees things in us that we can't see us in ourself. He has made us perfectly in His image, and even when we don't believe in ourselves, or when we doubt that we "have what it takes," we can turn to His word and see that He has a perfect plan for our lives and equipped us with everything we need to succeed. "The steps of a man are from the Lord, and He delights in our way." (Psalm 37:23)

I'd challenge and encourage you all in your daily lives or in your careers to see things in others that they might not see in themselves, and TELL THEM! You may be the only person who ever tells that neighbor that they are incredibly well-spoken, or a great friend, or a strong leader. GOD sees wonderful things in us, don't we want to be more like Him?

Love and miss you all...xoxo

1 comment:

  1. That's funny you wrote this post because I was just thinking how you were recently asking me for advise, etc. and you seemed a little unsure of yourself and discouraged about something--when I always perceive you as having everything together and are "always on top of it". You mentioned looking up to me, but I look up to you; you're such a positive person! I think those are all traits that others notice in you that you may not see in yourself! So I am letting you I think your a good blogger and should write professionally as well as go into ministry with all of your little bible messages! Love ya!
