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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good thing I bought those Uggs...

I had been so fortunate to avoid crazy weather on my travels! Both in Wyoming and Montana, it was beautiful during my visit and then began snowing shortly after my departure. However, I couldn't escape winter forever...and late last night, I arrived in the North Pole, aka Denver, CO! Luckily, the plane was not delayed, and landing was not a problem, but there is literally 3 feet of snow on the ground here at Colorado State in Fort Collins. Thank goodness I bought those Uggs a few weeks back, they are DEFINITELY coming in handy! I am looking forward to sunny Charleston, SC Sunday for an extension presentation. Please keep our team in your thoughts and prayers as we compete to colonize a new chapter at the College of Charleston. Just a few more weeks before I get to be at home with family and friends for Thanksgiving! For now...maybe I'll go make some snow ANGELS o:-) Love & miss you all...xoxo

Sunday, October 25, 2009

History in the Making

Sorry it's been so long since I've written...while I thought I'd have a bit more "free" time in the evenings for the past 3 weeks, I was sadly mistaken! Instead, I've been making history, by helping recruit and colonize the newest class of angels at the brand new OH Kappa chapter, Pi Beta Phi's 134th chapter! The experience was nothing that I could have expected, but an amazing accomplishment. With only 4 days to advertise/recruit on campus (much shorter than normal), the three of us (Resident Stephanie plus visitors Sarah & me) were in full-on recruitment mode. "Divide and conquer" was our motto, and the marketing classes I took in college paid off as we utilized every outlet we possible could: Facebook messaging, tabling in the student union, flyers, a radio advertisement, Facebook banner ads, etc. After a week of exhausting efforts, and lugging boxes and marketing materials back and forth from campus to Melrose Place (what we so lovingly call Stephanie's home for the year), Bid Day was a sight for sore eyes! We were proud to welcome home 56 new angels on Thursday! I cannot wait to be back in Cincinnati for Installation in January.

With the colonizing process behind me, it's back to traveling until Thanksgiving. I'm up in the windy city...but, the fall weather is SO beautiful! Being at Northwestern is a bit bittersweet for me. 5 years ago, it was my dream school. A true reach, in a city I have a love for. However, for no distinct reason (maybe I ruled out bitter cold windy winters or hundreds of thousands in loans), I never even applied. Being here now, and seeing how much I love it and would have fit in, makes me a little sad I'll never even know if I could have gotten in. many things (and people ;-)) in my life would be different if I had taken a different path. I know and trust that everything happens for a reason, and one of the perks of my job is that I get a little taste of so many different campuses. Another perk of my travelin' & miss you all~

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

On the Road Again...

I'm back to traveling, and have had a lovely stay at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Purdue is the 3rd largest Greek system in the nation, so it has been quite an educational experience. Fall weather is here...and for now, I'm happy to pull out my sweaters, scarves, and tights! (but don't ask me my thoughts in a few months!) Leaving home, aka leaving Weston, was much tougher this time around after spending a week at home with him. It was a great week to see family and friends, but it FLEW by! I am no longer doing recruitment visits, but am now focused more on routine visits. What this means is I have a LOT more meetings throughout the day, but more free time and "me" time in the evenings, which is nice. Tomorrow evening, I will take off for Cincinnati though, and for the next few weeks it will be madness as we colonize the OH Kappa chapter of Pi Beta Phi! History in the making...miss & love you all~