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Sunday, November 8, 2009

What a Beautiful Morning to Praise the Lord

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians: 31)

For the first time since I've been on the road, I am going to church this morning! I am overjoyed with an opportunity to worship next to not only my sisters, but fellow believers. I have really been able to see this year, that while my faith does not depend on a Sunday morning service, it is surely strengthened and supported by the presence of other believers. We've had BEAUTIFUL weather down here in College Station, as I hear y'all (hehe) are having up "north" in Missouri. The sun has been shining, the temps have been warm, and I have been surrounded by an incredible group of women who outwardly live their lives for the Lord. What a refreshing breath of clean air! Love & miss you all...have a wonderful Sunday, xoxo

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