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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

God's Little Reminders

Today is my birthday...and I'm Pennsylvania...states away from my family and friends. However, thanks to modern technology (and God's sense of humor) I've been pleasantly reminded ALL morning of just how loved I am. Perhaps this year, more than ever, I've been getting happy birthday messages through phone, text, email, Facebook, and flowers from people ALL over the country who care about me. This is my most people-filled birthday ever! How wonderful that God has given me so many smiling, beautiful, people in my life to replicate His love for me.

C.S. Lewis said, "Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not."

I went to bed thinking I should postpone my birthday a few days so that I would be with my family and friends. God had a different plan though, a plan in which He would smother me with little reminders of just how blessed I am!

Love & miss you all (for 3 more days)...xoxo, C

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