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Friday, April 16, 2010

Home at Last

Tomorrow morning...I will be home. I won't be on a break, I will be home with no plans scheduled for me next. I've been so excited about living out of a closet, having my own schedule, and spending more time with friends than flight attendants that I never thought about how I might feel sad....scared...unsure. I've had an amazing job, a consistent job (well, to some degree!), and a job that I love and feel I am good at. It is fulfilling to work with college women who are making a difference on their campuses, and feel at most times that I am making a difference in their collegiate experience.

Tomorrow morning...that influence will be over. I have no more visits scheduled, no more people to meet with, no more schedules to follow. What does God have in store for me? When will I find a job, and what will that job look like? How do I put my full trust in God when the world says it is easier to be anxious, search harder, find something, and be uneasy and dissatisfied until I do?

"When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose work I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid." (Psalm 56:3-4)

It is so hard to hear God's voice in moments of fear and uncertainty, but I am doing my best to listen. It's easier to say that I trust in the plans He has for my life, but hard to live that out day after day. I am working on it though. I will set my eyes on serving others and glorifying the Lord in my daily walk. I am so blessed and excited to see the glorious plans that God has in store for me.

Thanks for your listening, your support, and your's been one heck of a year.

Love & miss you all...xoxo, C

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