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Monday, August 31, 2009

For those of you without Facebook...

So I post all of my visit photos on Facebook, but for those of you without, I thought I'd try the slideshow thing (I learned how to do this over the phone with my future sister-in-law who's the real expert) to share them...more to come as I go along!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

An unexpected blessing at Gate A30

When I arrived at DFW last Wednesday afternoon in preparation for my Dallas to Denver (and then on to Laramie) flight, I expected long lines, a hike to my gate, and a typical wait in the airport where I catch up on personal phone calls, emails, and maybe grab an over-priced snack. However, God had a different plan for me on Wednesday. I was pleasantly surprised as I walked in, walked right up to the counter, checked my bags with no delay, and went right through a line-free security. As if that wasn't wonderful enough, I was surprised to see my gate waiting immediately for me on the other side of convenient! What drew my attention away from that pleasant surprise however, was something I had never seen before. At Gate A30, just one to the right of my own, were approximately 200 men and women in Army uniforms, and a very Patriotic decorated gate. Never in my life had I seen something like this, and it literally brought tears to my eyes (the first of a few times in this one airport visit). Using my best observation skills, I deducted that these brave men and women would be leaving Dallas, and not returning for a while. Because, for every uniformed soldier, there was a spouse or significant other and several cute children clinging tightly to their brave mother/father/husband/wife/fiance, etc. Literally, significant others were hanging on to the arms of their loved ones and for the next 30 minutes while I sat there, never let go. I was so touched by this scene, a true blessing from God put right in front of my eyes. The first thought that crossed my mind was to walk up to someone and thank them for what they were about to go do. Not wanting to disrupt the beautiful and touching life moments going on however, I instead sunk down in a corner chair and started praying. I prayed for each one of the soldiers, for their safety and good health wherever their courage was taking them. I prayed for their families that God would keep them comforted and safe at home while their loved ones were away. And I prayed that when the time came, each one would be brought back to Gate A31 for a tearful, but much more joyful reunion. What happened next amazed me even more, as I wasn't expecting it at all. The brave men and women in uniform began giving those final goodbye kisses and proceeding on to the plane, as their names were announced by a uniformed officer on the airline speaker. As they made their way towards the plane, they were greeted by generous USO volunteers who wanted to shake their hands, thank them, and send them off with snacks, magazines, and other simple items that would soon be considered commodities. I had no idea that this was what USO volunteers did. I mean, I had seen the USO lounges in the airport, but until this moment had never really gotten it. This is what I want to do! Put in front of my eyes by our Heavenly Father himself, I saw a volunteer opportunity that I am so looking forward to embracing someday soon. This experience at Gate A30 brought tears to my eyes, and goosebumps to my arms, over and over again. When the men and women had all boarded the plane and the doors had been closed and the Patriotic mass began to dissipate, I realized that I am so blessed. I realized that although I fought back tears when I left three weeks ago, I was headed off (by choice) to comfortable sorority houses where I would be showered with gifts and luxuries, and be able to talk to my loved ones whenever I wanted by phone, email, text, Skype...whatever! It was a huge reality reminder that God is good and my life is so full of blessings. All this...when I expected long security lines and over-priced snacks. Love & miss you all o:-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

The 80s were awesome...and so is my job!

I am absolutely in love with the women of TX Epsilon...and once again, will be sad to leave a visit! However, the next one always holds a new adventure, and God always has new friends in place for me it seems. I have seen so much passion and pride in these ladies...I even got to be a part of their chapter brag Sunday night (hence the picture). Just another day at work..."workin it with Pi Phi!" Moments like those make me SO grateful for a job that makes me SO happy! Yes, it gets tiring sometimes staying up until 1 am entering scores, just to make sure our invite lists are in on time, but I would do ANYTHING for these collegians. My job is so rewarding, I just feel so blessed! I am taking away so many professional lessons and skills already, and I'm only on my third visit! It's so neat how not one day is the same as the last, and I'm never quite sure what the next one will bring. Miss and love you all...until then, put on some neon, and SMILE! xoxo...C

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Livin' Out of My Suitcase

"It's been so long since I've seen your face
Or felt a part of this human race
I've been living out of this here suitcase
For way too long"
(Zac Brown Band "Jolene")

One of the hardest parts about traveling, I've discovered so far, is that along the way, you don't see anyone that isn't a stranger. Don't get me wrong...I've met some amazing women, and formed some very special bonds with them, but I have not been around anyone who's known me longer than a few days, which is very tough. You don't realize how nice it is to be around someone who knows your story, knows what makes you laugh, and appreciates you for all your little quirks. Really makes me appreciate my friends and family. I have been fortunate enough here in TX to see a few old friends from TCU. I got to relax outside on the historic square with a great glass of Riesling and my "big" (big sis in Pi Phi) from TCU, which was great! Sunday, I'm having dinner with an old friend, Cameron, whom I haven't seen since sophomore year. I do miss all of you are truly irreplaceable. Love to all...c

Saturday, August 15, 2009

You Had Me From "Halo"

Before I began this job...I made the hypothesis that traveling around the country meeting a lot of women would further increase my faith in the idea that the older I get, the smaller the world gets. It's only my second visit, and I've already been impressed by people who have known where Drury is! or even more, woman from Starkville, MS with family in Springfield, MO (which shouldn't surprise me since I have "extended family-in-law" in Starkville!). Even funnier, are the Pi Phis I've encountered that remind me SO much of other Pi Phis I already know. It's crazy how much these women remind me of friends & sisters from home. I expect this to happen more and more frequently as my travels progress. Maybe it's God's little way of making me feel more at home on the road! Love and miss you all! CMP

Friday, August 14, 2009

Everytime a Cowbell Rings, an Angel Gets Her Wings

In all the preparation and training I've had for this job, I was never prepared to cry when leaving a chapter. However, my exit from MS Gamma today was tear-filled and heartfelt. I really have a love for that new chapter and the women in, not to mention their alumni advisors. When an AAC member took a terrible fall last while setting up for today's parties, the entire chapter took a pause from voting, stood together (holding hands) and lifted up an angel prayer for Angie's recovery...this is why I'm a Pi Beta Phi. The love I have for this fraternity has grown tenfold already. It is moments like that when the late nights are worth it. Although I haven't slept much in the last week, I have seen a brand new chapter produce impressive return rates and recruit some amazing new women! The dedication and passion was so fresh and energizing. It was such a pleasure to work with the officers and AAC members of MS Gamma, and my visit to Starkville will not be forgotten. I can't wait to make a trip down to see their new house next fall, and everytime I look at my little MSU cowbell*, I'll remember this visit with a smile!

* At Mississippi State football games, students ring cowbells constantly for their Bulldogs! Rumor has it that years ago, at this agriculture school, a cow wandered on to the field, and to get it off the field, a fan rung a cowbell...hence the tradition was born!

One of my suitcases fell apart this morning and had to be replaced impromtu....but as LDC Kylie often reminds me, "just roll with it!" That is certainly something this job is instilling in me already! For you Pi Phis out there, we refer to that quality as, "whatsoever things are flexible!"

Love to to the land of the sooners (hope my future fam-in-law isn't too upset, hehe!) o:-)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Crepe Myrtles Should Grow in Missouri!

My very first day as an LDC, and what an adventure it has been! I left Springfield (after getting to see the new terminal, which is pretty neat...for the Springfield airport!) with no tears (a big accomplishment) and took off for the Memphis airport. In the Memphis airport, I met another consultant from Alpha Omicron Pi which was fun, so we chatted about life on the road, as she was a second year, aka seasoned veteran. Then...I took the bumpiest/most turbulent flight I've ever been on from Memphis to Columbus, MS. I thought the Springfield airport was small! The Columbus airport consists of one gate, one security terminal about 10 ft from the gate, one baggage carousel, and one ticket desk! I was greeted by a sweet AAC member from MS Gamma, and we went to retrieve my bags...only one showed up! I had prepared myself for this to happen, but not on the first day! So we had to wait for the 1 Delta rep to send off the departing flight, and then he came to help me file a claim. However, no sooner had I turned in the tag, that he brought my bag around the corner. Apparently, it had gotten lost on the way to the ONE baggage carousel?!? I wasn't complaining though, because I had my bags. We took off for campus, and I was greeted at the door of the Sig Ep house (which Pi Phi is using for recruitment) by 50+ singing MS sweet!!! It was a great day, and a good dinner "downtown" at a cute college-y place called MugShots. Kylie's apartment on campus where I'm staying is super nice, although I was disappointed to see that although I took a lot of care to use a hanging bag and hangers for all my skirts and dresses...I will still need to iron everything I pull out! (and that Downy wrinkle release isn't as magical as everyone says it is!) Biggest thought for today though...I LOVE the South and everything about it: those sweet Southern accents, the crepe myrtle trees lining the road, the wrap around porches complete with rockers, even the way the alums little daughters refer to everyone as ma'am! It is heavenly...and full of Pi Phi angels! Love to all :-)