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Saturday, August 15, 2009

You Had Me From "Halo"

Before I began this job...I made the hypothesis that traveling around the country meeting a lot of women would further increase my faith in the idea that the older I get, the smaller the world gets. It's only my second visit, and I've already been impressed by people who have known where Drury is! or even more, woman from Starkville, MS with family in Springfield, MO (which shouldn't surprise me since I have "extended family-in-law" in Starkville!). Even funnier, are the Pi Phis I've encountered that remind me SO much of other Pi Phis I already know. It's crazy how much these women remind me of friends & sisters from home. I expect this to happen more and more frequently as my travels progress. Maybe it's God's little way of making me feel more at home on the road! Love and miss you all! CMP

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