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Monday, August 24, 2009

The 80s were awesome...and so is my job!

I am absolutely in love with the women of TX Epsilon...and once again, will be sad to leave a visit! However, the next one always holds a new adventure, and God always has new friends in place for me it seems. I have seen so much passion and pride in these ladies...I even got to be a part of their chapter brag Sunday night (hence the picture). Just another day at work..."workin it with Pi Phi!" Moments like those make me SO grateful for a job that makes me SO happy! Yes, it gets tiring sometimes staying up until 1 am entering scores, just to make sure our invite lists are in on time, but I would do ANYTHING for these collegians. My job is so rewarding, I just feel so blessed! I am taking away so many professional lessons and skills already, and I'm only on my third visit! It's so neat how not one day is the same as the last, and I'm never quite sure what the next one will bring. Miss and love you all...until then, put on some neon, and SMILE! xoxo...C

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