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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"The world is a book, and those who don't travel read only one page." (Saint Augustine)

One of my personal goals for this year was to read more books! While this may seem like an unimpressive goal, for the last 4 years, as an over-involved, too often say "yes" college super hero (ok...well some days it felt like it!), this goal is a HUGE one! To help facilitate meeting my goal...I made myself a promise, that every time I got on a plane, instead of laying my head down on the tray (what I typically do from take off to landing), I would take out one of the books from my long list of desired reading (many thanks to suggestions from friends & family) and I would read! So far, I have been pretty proud of myself, as I am now well into my 4th book since my travels began. I thought I'd take this opportunity to share with you all, in the hopes that one or more of these books might appeal to you in your "free" time...happy reading!

- "Eat, Pray, Love" (Elizabeth Gilbert)
I started this book LAST summer, and made it through section one, which takes place in Italy. I picked it up again when I began my travels this August, and conquered the remaining sections, set in India & Indonesia. This was a great read for a traveler, and someone like me, who deep downs wants to live a yoga lifestyle full of health and genuine happiness brought on by peace and good thoughts. Gilbert's style is so entertaining and genuine, and having been to India, made this book all the more special to me. It offers up creative reflection on happiness, work, and independence, and was a refreshing read as I traveled across the country.

- "I Heart Recruitment: The Eight Steps to Limitless Possibilities for Sororities"
This was my first "industry" read, as a sorority/fraternity professional. Written by two of the talented members of Phired Up, this book clearly discussed effective techniques for recruiting new members that didn't rely on catchy door songs and Broadway-worthy skits. Throughout my travels, I have seen recruitment styles that span the range from frills to no frills, and budgets ranging from $200 to $15000! "I Heart Recruitment" also kept me page turning as I related so much of it to what I learned in my professional selling course in college (thank you Angie Davis!). It's a good moment when you can bridge that gap from class content to real world application!

- "The Shack" (William P. Young)
This book came highly recommended by my future going into it, I had high expectations for how it would redefine my faith! For having never heard of it before, I was shocked to see it on the Best Sellers shelf in an airport bookstore, but I picked it up and began reading. Let me say...this book WILL redefine your faith. While that means something different for every reader, it will shake the way you understand love, forgiveness, the Trinity, a relationship with God/Christ/the Holy Spirit, healing, pain/tragedy, and the importance of family & friends. This book was launched on a $200 marketing budget, and has simply soared through word of mouth and sharing the book with others. I would recommend this book to fact I would almost insist that each of you read it as soon as you have a chance!

- "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" (Malcolm Gladwell)
I'm currently reading, "The Tipping Point," by the same author who wrote "Blink" and "Outliers." While this is more of a business book, bridging the gap between an industry read and a pure pleasure book, it does read very easily, and brings in a lot of interesting examples from all sectors of life. The book examines how epidemics start, but also how fashion trends or word of mouth news can spread...the point at which it becomes "world news" Gladwell refers to as "The Tipping Point." I think I chose this one of his three because I've been shocked to see what an impact I can have on a chapter in just a few short days. Not that I believe my impression has worldly implications on the women I work with at all, and I would not be able to do my work if it weren't for the glory of God, but I think I've been really surprised to see just how much I can accomplish and how many results I can see before I even leave the chapter.

I am loving my travels, my personal growth, my professional observations and opportunities, and most of all, each of the people I get to work with every day. God is good! Miss and love you all!

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